Pierce is amazing! All my children are amazing! If you don't know my kids, you should because they are awesome! Okay, mom bragging over. But since this is a picture of Pierce I'm going to talk about him for a few sentences! Pierce doesn't need alot of sleep. He never has. In fact he didn't sleep most of the first year of his life. You may think I'm exaggerating- but I'm not. He still doesn't need as much sleep as I think he should have :) He explores. He LOVES explore (and that is a nice way of saying he pushes almost every boundary that I set!). But this kid is my buddy! He also loves to sing, current favorites are Jesus loves me, ABCs, Mary had a little Lamb & Jingle Bells! He can speak spanish...well sort of :) He counts in spanish ( he doesn't know that he can because he is just repeating what his little computer is saying) and he says Hola and Adios and its the cutest! His favorite games are hide and seek, candy land and wrestling, if you can count that as a game :) Favorite super hero: spiderman-becuase Jon is spiderman he says!
Bedtime routine goes something like this:
me: pierce its bedtime
pierce: NNNNOOOO (while flaying on the ground)
me: want to walk yourself or piggy back ride
pierce: piggy back
*up the stairs drop off in bed*
pierce: you check on me? i see you in the morning. you sing jesus loves me?
me: yes, yes and YES!
Jesus loves you so much little dude and SO DO I!!