Ah, its been a while. Life is so Full. The past um, 3 months have been nothing less then full. In September we welcomed Jesse into our Lapp Family and 1 month later we welcomed Kent into our family! Can anyone say wedding bells? I can! They were ringing quite often, actually it was the phone that was ringing, but it was usually about a wedding! I had so much fun helping plan with my sisters! Being the youngest of the three, I didn't do a lot of firsts...but this is one thing I did do first, so it was fun to help plan, bring perspective and remember my own wedding and the months...wait weeks & days leading up to the big day! Darryl was so awesome in his support of me, supporting them! He would say, "who's dress fitting is it?!" He was awesome! Anyway...weddings days have come and now gone, all are married and merry! :)
Speaking of Merry....um, Christmas, HELLO! That is coming up quick! But thats besides the point right now. So back to life and it being full. In case you didn't know: WE HAVE 3 KIDS! I could write that alone, never blog again and no one would think less of me! 3 is not a big number unless they are little people ages 4 and under! Life is full, busy & crazy...I wouldn't have it any other way! I love my little people all 3 of them! They make me so happy (and tired at times). Jorden, wow when the heck did she turn into a little lady? She is in preschool and loves it! There is a sweet little girl in her class that is just as shy as can be...Jorden has befriended her and it makes my heart sing! She LOVES art! I can't hardly keep enough art supplies around for her! I, of course now have an entire art collection for Jorden Rae art. I mean really how is a momma supposed to choose between so many amazing drawings! Fancy Nancy is a favorite book right now and of course Berenstien Bears. My sweet boy, Jonathan! ALL BOY...yes he has an older sister and may sometime dress up in princess clothes or use a pink or purple bowl, but he is ALL BOY! This kid, he loves to wrestle, box, throw ball, play basketball, ride bike, & throw anything! But ahhh, his sweet sweet heart! He is so caring and compassionate. Loves to sing and read books right now! He likes to read books to me, which of course I can't resist! And Uriah. ri, ri-guy, ri'sa-guysa, uria, you name it we call him it. He is 8 months old and cute as a button! He is crawling, pulling himself up, babbling....oh the babbling I just love it! He is so smiley! This is truly my favorite part of the baby stage! He is so interactive yet I can contain him to the pack and play with toys and he is still a happy camper! I don't feel like I get to spend as much time alone with him, probably because I don't, but there are times when he stays up a little bit later then the other two and I totally cherish the time! I give him kisses and hugs every chance I get!
There is so much more that is happening in life right now too that makes me feel full, but alas that will have to wait for another blog post!