Quiet here on the blog, not because life has been quiet my any means, actually that's why the blog has been quiet. Life has been loud and happening the past month! But this afternoon is actually quiet. One napping and two playing nicely in their rooms! I'll take it! Especially after the full morning of breakfast eating, clean-uping, book reading, kid dressing, grocery shopping, and park playing that we had! I'm thankful though and my heart is full :)

We now have not one school kid but two! That's right we decided rather last minute to send Jonathan to preschool. I kept having the thought come back to me about sending him. We had decided that we were not going to send him this year because he still has a whole other year before Kindergarten, and we thought it might be a bit tight on the budget with sending Jorden to the UMS school this year. But I couldn't shake the thought, so with about a week til preschool was starting, I called around a couple places. I had to requirements: 1. That there would be an opening (kind of a given I know) and 2. That there would be some sort of scholarship or tuition assistance. I was ecstatic when I heard back from Willow Street Preschool that they had both! Actually they had only 1 spot left in the 3year old class, so for me that felt even more confirming that it was for Jonathan! We signed him up, went and visited, paid our registration fee and he started the next week! He loves it! I feel like it is a great fit for him. Not that I'm trying to make him grow up any faster then what he already is, but this definitely has him "all grown up". He is proud of his back pack, new sneakers and lunch box. You can tell he is happy to have some responsibility. He also goes the same days that Jorden is in school. So I enjoy the morning break with Uriah and either relax at home or more often then not take the opportunity to run some errands.

Jorden and I are getting into the swing of school. She loves the days she gets to ride the bus, play meow-meow at recess and bring home a new library book. She loves the days she gets to stay home and sleep in, go to the park and have lunch with daddy! She is a great student and our home school times have been good so far.

Uriah is 18 months going on 2. He is very opinionated and wants to do it all himself! But what a cutie! He steals my heart with his hugs and kisses. He is a ham and cheese ball all in one :) His latest interest is the potty. Is it that good you may ask? I'm not sure yet!!! He likes to sit on it, that is good! He will bring the potty seat and I'll sit him on it. What a cutie, sitting there smiling the whole time. On the other hand, we were at a friends house the other night and the kids were upstairs playing. They asked if Uriah was a potty player. We told him that he didn't hadn't found the potty upstairs yet but that if we heard it flushing a few times in a row we would know he's found it! He loves flushing the potty! I don't know if our water bill will love it as much!
Well anyway, so much more to write about, but the quietness as slowly become loud :) and its time to start dinner!
But one random idea for you- did you know that if you put orange slices, a drop of vanilla and a small cinnamon stick in pot of water, bring to boil and then simmer it makes your house smell AMAZING! Ah, I hope Darryl isn't disappointed that its only that and not some other amazing treat when he comes home!
Happy Monday to you all!