Both ideas can put me into a complex when I try to figure out what it will look like, how it will affect our family, Jorden, time, etc. Because BOTH will change our life a little. Maybe that's more of my aversion then anything...I like the way things have been plugging along. Not much has shaken this nest up recently, and not that this needs to either. When I keep my focus on theLord and trust in His heart for us...I'm okay. I'm OKAY...even if I'm crying right now while I type this out! His heart is so much more for us then I can comprehend. I just want to do the right/best thing for Jorden, and the rest of us! I know He knows that and I know He isn't as concerned about it as I am, yet he totally cares about my heart & Jorden's.
Really when I break down either option it's somewhat selfish. To homeschool would mean giving up more of my time, it would require work on my part to plan and engage. To send to school would mean someone else gets to spend more time with Jorden then I do. Maybe I'm regretting that I haven't better spent my time with Jorden and now it's time to send her to school. Yeah that could be comes the tears again. Maybe it's all about letting go and trusting God that He is and will fill in my gaps & lacks.
I wish I had some grand ending to this post but I don't...just my process and its good and I'm thankful for it.

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