Barnget Lighthouse |
This month, next week actually, Darryl and I will celebrate our 6th anniversary! We stole away for two nights three days in mid may, to a little bay town called Tuckerton, NJ, to celebrate! We stayed at the J.D. Thompson Bed and Breakfast about 20 mins from Long Beach Island. After navigating through ridiculous traffic on Friday afternoon we checked in our B&B then headed to a little restaurant right on the water. It was a cute place, but packed...it felt a little uncomfortable sandwiched between the neighboring table and the entrance to the kitchen. But we settled in and ordered some yummy food, and some not so yummy food. We decided to order fried calamari. I picked up on piece that I thought looked safe and it ended up being a whole little squid! I dropped it and let out a little yelp because I just wasn't expecting to look so much like squid. After I recovered from that I decided to actually try a piece. I put it in my mouth to take a bite and I literally couldn't bite it in half...it was so chewy! So there I am squid half in half out of my mouth....it was a mess! :) We thought some wine might relax us, so Darryl asked if we could get a glass, that's when we found out it was byob. Oh well, live and learn :) Our meals really were delicious and the water was really beautiful! The next day we headed out to LBI and decided to travel to the north tip of the Island to see the lighthouse. It was so beautiful to see the water and the lighthouse, the water was really clear there. I had this great idea to climb the lighthouse! On our way to the lighthouse that morning we saw a Rubicon Jeep. It stuck out to both us and we discussed the idea of how the phrase "crossing the Rubicon" was like being at a point of no return. Where you have to keep going, even though it feels hard, because you can't go back. Okay, so I had this great idea to climb the 165ft. light house!
The stairs- Darryl took this picture :)
So in we go up the narrow winding metal mesh flight of stairs, you know the kind you can see right through to the bottom. I got about three stories up and was starting to feel unsure about going the rest of the way up. By the 6th flight I felt like I was going to pass out and was trying to convince Darryl to go up the rest of the way by himself because I wasn't going to be going up any higher. But Darryl being the wonderful man/husband he is. Waited patiently as I gathered myself together, trying to figure out what I was going to do-stuck half way up this lighthouse. It was a RUBICON- Here I was scared of going higher, yet scared of going back down for fear of falling. I really didn't want to go higher, yet I knew if I turned around I still had to go down as far as I had come and I knew I'd be disappointed that I hadn't made it to the top. Eventually I got up enough courage and started climbing. I'm not sure exactly how many more flights we did but when we got to the top I saw the solid wood floor and I felt so relieved. Then I looked out the windows and I sat down and started crying. Darryl asked me what I was so scared of...I told him falling. Oh poor Darryl,he didn't know what to do with me. He was thinking seriously this lighthouse is how old, how many people climb it everyday and is my wife really going to refuse to go down these stairs? He was awesome though. He stood with me and gave a good tight hug and looked out the window with me. I couldn't have done it without him. Eventually we made it outside to look around. I just didn't look down too long. But I sure was proud of myself for doing it! I'm not exactly proud of how scared I was, but I'm so glad that I made it to the top (& the bottom again) and I'm so thankful Darryl was there to walk through it with me! Darryl learned something about me that day...I get scared, really scared sometimes, I have trouble taking things one step at a time, I see a whole picture, yet I'm so detail oriented that I get overwhelmed when I see the whole picture because I also so all the details and even when I'm really scared-even if I cry because I'm really scared- I truly don't want to quit! We had really great rest of the day on the beach and in the evening headed down to Atlantic City to walk the boardwalk! We tried one slot machine...lost our five bucks, got some amazing pizza and had a beautiful evening together! Sunday morning we headed out, made a quick stop at a little historic town called Smithville and walked around a little then, headed home! So thankful to have gotten away for a few days with my man! I love you Darryl! Thanks for staying by my side babe!

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