Entrust your loved ones to Me; release them into My protective care. They are much safer with Me than in your clinging hands...When you release loved ones to Me, you are free to cling to My hand. As you entrust others into My care, I am free to shower blessings on them. My Presence will go with them wherever they go and I will give them rest. This same Presence stays with you, as you relax and place your trust in Me. Watch to see what I will do. ~ Sarah Young

A fitting devotional for our first two days of sending our first child to Kindergarten, don't you think? On Wednesday I set the alarm for 6am. Got up and ready then walked into Jorden's room at 6:45, quickly turned around burst into tears and said, "God can't I keep her just a little longer!!!" I felt his gentleness and peace in my heart so much, that it didn't take long to gather my composure and go in to wake her up. She woke up quickly and was excited to get moving for her first day of school! We read a couple books together, sat down for a hearty breakfast of Lucky Charms :) (don't tell the teacher!) and juice, got dressed, checked the backpack, got the boys up and dressed, snapped some pictures of course and oh almost forgot the lunch- but dad remembered then we headed out the door! I am so thankful that Darryl was able to be apart of this first day! Off to the bus stop we went. The bus stop is one block away from our house. We feel completely blessed that our friends/neighbors Josh & Voni's daughter Sela is also going to the same school as Jorden and that they are able to ride the bus together! We met them at their house then walked down to the bus stop together. It was definitely a nice distraction for us all from the nervousness we were feeling! The bus comes around 7:38 am. So at around 7:40 with smiles and mixed feelings we waved to two very excited little girls! I had no idea how hard the next 20 mins were going to feel. As the bus pulled away my eyes welled up with tears.

For so many reasons. Entrusting my sweet girl to a big yellow bus full of middle and high school students with a bus driver who is very sweet but who I had never met and now had spent all of 45 seconds with. Realizing that Jorden is growing up, she is still a little girl no doubt, but she is turning into a little lady! There was definitely wondering if I/we prepared her enough for this day and etc. I know it all probably sounds a little extreme for just going to Kindergarten, but it's real feelings and thoughts. We walked home and sat down to eat breakfast. It was quieter then usual, but then Jonathan pipped up. He said, "mom, I bet Jorden is having fun right now." With tears filling my eyes again- both with sadness, but mostly comfort I said, "I think your right, bud." And on we went with the day! I thought and prayed for her often of course. We are blessed to already know the kindergarten teacher this year because she was Jorden's preschool teacher last year. Later in the afternoon I got a knock on the door. It was Voni, smiling she said the girls missed the bus home! Haha! It was a mix up at the school and the girls hadn't gotten on the bus. Better that then getting on the wrong bus, right? Darryl went to pick them up. Jorden was excited when she got home, but didn't really say too much then about her day at first. It wasn't until later in the evening that she kept remembering things and chatting all about her first day of school! It was fun to hear about it. Her favorite part is riding the bus. She says,
"its the best thing ever!" I love that because it reminds me that she is still little and she has a lot of life to live & experience! I am truly excited for her for this year! I'm so happy about the UMS program at Lancaster County Christian School (lccs). Basically she will go to school two days a week, I will homeschool two days a week with the curriculum sent home by the school, and one day is a free day! I feel like
its the best thing ever for kindergarten :) And even though it can feel very hard to do...
I think entrusting my Loved ones to Him, no matter where they go or what they do
is the best thing ever.
Day Two and still smiling :) Its gonna be a great year! |
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