Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Heroes (Official Lyric Video) // Brave New World // Amanda Cook

Its just so good!
Take a listen :)

Getting started is always the Hardest

Well, Its been about two years since i've blogged :) Its hard to know if i should start with an update on life or just pick up where life is at... seems kind of hard to summarize the past two years in one blog post soooo i'll just pick up where life is at right now... right in the middle of the thick of it!

{Life is beautiful}-true (teeter)
{Life is messy}-true (toter)

From these two true statements I conclude that {Life is a beautiful mess}

Today a friend asked me how I was?  (on a side rant I hate that question its the hardest question in the world to answer, I think, it rarely is an easy answer, at least for this complicated beautiful mess of a girl!)  I responded with, "well I'm still on the teeter toter of thankful and ticked about life!" I then proceed with,  "I wish I was better at letting go of perfection and embracing the beautiful messiness of life! It just seems to be hard for me to remember that. BUT JESUS IS GOOD AND IN HIS KINDNESS HE IS FAITHFUL TO REMIND ME OF MY NEED FOR HIM!"
 I truly believe this...I am a sinner saved by grace. And in my life, with my perfection tendencies, I believe it is his faithfulness to me and his loving kindness toward me that He reminds me that I need him.

Every day. Every hour. Every minute.